Dec 30, 2023Liked by David Scott

David, I wish you well. I miss your contribution on UKC and will look forward to reading the occasional post on this sub stack.

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by David Scott

All the best for this new venture. Looking forward to exciting new discussions.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by David Scott

Good luck David!

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Looking forward to going deeper with you David.

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by David Scott

With warmest wishes, David, for 2024 and for a successful new beginning

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by David Scott

I am glad to see you starting out on your own, following your own thoughts and avenues of interest; Scotland needs the reasoned, logical, moral and ethical discussion you will offer.

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by David Scott

Thank you for the invitation David. I have enjoyed listening to you many times on UKC, however although I admire the teachings of Jesus I am not a christian. The Resistance ought not, in my opinion, be divided along any lines. Sadly the overwhelming promotion of the christian faith on UKC chat has alienated me and perhaps others too, at a time when we need to be united in our defence of humanity, and for that reason I will not be joining in with your new organisation, although I wish you well in your endeavours.

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Thank you for your best wishes. I wonder if you would consider sticking with me for a little while. I think you might be surprised at some of the information that will be discussed.

You raise the issue of unity - I have made a note of that and will aim to tackle the topic shortly. It is a word I have grown to distrust, for reasons I will explain in due course.

Finally you talk about "resistance" - can you explain who or what you are resisting?

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Feb 11Liked by David Scott

Thank you, David! One additional immediately necessary response from a Bible translator: please consider that the observed corruption of academia and churches can and does affect Bible translation, even of the recorded words of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have published exposés of this for a few years, including recently here in my Substack channel, https://open.substack.com/pub/christrescues/p/catastrophic-subtle-sabotagethe-case

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I agree, we need a renewed search for accuracy and intellectual rigour and frankness when it comes to eliminating corruption of bible translation.

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Jan 18Liked by David Scott

I've never heard of you before now but Alasdair Macleod recommended you to me. I look forward to reading your articles

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Many thanks Morgan.

I interviewed Alasdair at length around a year ago and hope to talk with him again soon.

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Thank you so much David for doing this. I always appreciated your contributions on UK Column but I suspect I will enjoy this more. I want to thank you for taking your stance upon the Rock of Ages, and for understanding that wherever truth be found it belongs not to us but to Him..apologies to Augustine etc. Best wishes to you!

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Many thanks John, I greatly appreciate your comments and encouragement.

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We are resisting the global elite's anti-human WEF agenda, are we not?

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I think it is much broader than that. Yes, we are resisting the WEF, UN, World Bank and tax-exempt foundations attempts to manipulate and transform our society into something else - a totalitarian government whether you call it communist, fascist or something else.

But we are also resisting the loss of the beliefs and understanding that built our society, for it is into that void that the WEF pours its poison.

And we need to understand the flaws that our society had that allowed those beliefs to be undermined and destroyed, and the flaws in the beliefs themselves.

This is called digging deeper for a reason.

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Yes, this is true, but to hang your resistance on the promotion of just one set of religious beliefs is to exclude resisters like myself. Naturally, this narrows the issue which really is, as you point out, quite broad.

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The search for truth, by its nature, means discerning what is true and what is not. As recognised in this article, it is inevitable that we will not all agree on the answers, but that should neither preclude the search, nor prevent people with differing views working together where they agree. The No-to-named-person campaign was one example of this working very well. It was headed by the Christian Institute but included people of all faiths and none who were united to overthrow what they correctly perceived as evil.

Even more so, having people from various starting points engaged is necessary if the adoption of error is to be avoided, for the alternative is an echo chamber in which some error is assumed to be correct and never challenged.

The corollary, naturally, is that everyone so engaged must be willing to address their beliefs critically, testing whether they be true or not. This requires humility and courage.

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