“What is it about?” I hear you ask.
That is to say, this substack and a video series that will accompany it, which will be called “Notes from the Edge”, will cover topic after topic in the hope, and with the aim, that it builds into a coherent statement of a worldview.
That worldview is inevitably in part personal. Yours will be different, for we are all unique in our experiences and understanding. But it is based on the rock of the teachings of Jesus Christ and on the very best of human knowledge, reason and analysis that I have managed to uncover. So, although personal, this worldview is not mine. It neither originated with me nor is it a matter where I have any personal claim or ownership. Instead I share what I have discovered in the hope that some readers may benefit as I have from the counsel it provides.
Furthermore, I share these views in the hope that this will accomplish three things:
Firstly that they will offer help and encouragement to those likewise attempting to see events clearly and identify domains where we have been deceived. Secondly, that they will generate discussion and debate, which is always the best way to test ideas. And finally, on a personal note, I hope this endeavour will provide a discipline so that I approach the world of ideas, of faith and of knowledge in the manner of a diligent labourer, not as a hobbyist.
This first edition of Notes From the Edge should air within a week. I have just about finished the studio and it looks like this:
I hope you like it.
I also hope you will like the material that I will produce over the coming weeks, months and years. What I seek to explore is the truth. These days people talk about my truth; your truth; the truth of this or that grouping or identity. The truth, the apostles of the post-modern era assure us, does not exist and thus can never be known.
All my analyses are against the idea of universal necessities in human existence. (Foucault 1988)
And to emphasise the emptiness of any belief or conviction the prophet Foucault spake again and said:
It is meaningless to speak in the name of - or against - Reason, Truth or Knowledge
(Foucault 1993)
In solid contrast, Christ said:
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32)
This substack therefore is based on the conviction that the truth is out there, and that unlike the the adventures of Mulder and Scully in the fictional X-Files, it is not destined to be forever tantalisingly just out of sight. Instead we live in a time of increasing knowledge and decreasing judgement.
But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase (Daniel 12:4).
And thus, despite the frantic error and folly that is everywhere visible, we have an opportunity to find abundant knowledge and the peace and freedom, calm and serenity, hope and laughter that goes with it.
I do hope, dear reader, that you will join me in this search.
David, I wish you well. I miss your contribution on UKC and will look forward to reading the occasional post on this sub stack.
All the best for this new venture. Looking forward to exciting new discussions.