Feb 16Liked by David Scott

Prof Fenton is a great source of evidence-based observation of these issues. When watching the slow but unmissable shift in opinion on these issues, I can't help thinking of Mattias Desmet's take in his excellent book 'The Psychology of Totalitarianism' - that the first and foremost task is to keep speaking out. Everything stands or falls with the act of speaking out. He adds that the totalitarian system is intrinsically self-destructive and always destroys itself in the long run.

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A vital point, oft-times forgotten by those in the thick of the action.

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Feb 15Liked by David Scott

Research showing almost perfect correlation of deaths with the use of Midazolam here:


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Feb 14Liked by David Scott

I don't know if Norman has done other videos but it was very good to hear him speak in a relaxed conversation rather than read some of his written articles. He has suffered for his academic rigour and veracity which he exposes here, and the evil forces which he has stood against.

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He has a channel on Odysee


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Thanks. For the moment I have too many sites to see!

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Prof Fenton -excellent as always and a clear articulation by yourself David.

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The willingness of society at large to embrace lies and attack the truth was a lesson from covid that I suspect we have not yet fully absorbed.

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I have been living in Vietnam for the past 16 years, married to a Vietnamese lady and living with her and her ancestor worshiping family, it wasn't until all of this was in place that the Lord began to open my eyes...

I can state with all certainty that we in the west do not have a clue as to the very real supernatural forces arrayed against us - not a clue!

My wife and I are more like roommates once I learned that foreign wives bring foreign gods (demons, etc.) true in Solomon's day, true in ours, of course they are not God though some of seem to think  they are.

I was a filthy minded chap until I began to fear God and bound up lust in a prayer, as the words of that prayer left my mouth I heard a surprised, male, disembodied voice call out 'Noooooo', much supernatural weirdness began to occur and still does - none of it nice.

There are more folk with demons and unclean spirits in them than you would believe and that perhaps explains the unexpected responses to truth and acceptance of lies?

True Israel shall dream dreams, have visions, and prophecy towards the time of the end, I have been doing all three for several years. NB - Israel is a people not a country and Jesus only came for the lost sheep of Israel, though He will bless and cleanse others that have faith.

Pray the king and us become God fearing as the rest will surely flow from this. Look to the stone under our throne, it tells a wonderful story.

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Do you have any thoughts on Rev. 18-23 and how it may apply to the dread cov?

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