
I would like to thank my son Peter who sourced the core of this article - The meaning of Romans 13.

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Apr 1Liked by David Scott

Thank you David and Peter....never again will any of my Christian friends revel in quoting scripture to me about obeying our evil government.

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Mar 30Liked by David Scott

Thanks for this David - and Peter. The idea of believers being citizens of a different kingdom, not really part of this world, foreigners to it, has been a thread in the church for a long time particularly in anabaptists and the brethren. I’ve known Brethren who would not vote - why would you vote in elections for a foreign government?

Philippians 3:20

[20] But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ,

Romans 13 however was always a text that justified obeying the state as far as it follows Gods law. Your/Peter’s approach to it is helpful and I need to think it through. It certainly makes sense in the context of the rest of the letter.

I’ve been thinking recently about

Proverbs 14:34


Righteousness exalts a nation,

but sin is a reproach to any people.

Again this is usually thought to be about how states benefit from following godly principles. That is true as far as it goes but I think there is something bigger here. Human government is always flawed and always in the control of the Enemy - as you demonstrate in your essay. I’m thinking more here that the righteousness is the righteousness of Christ. There is none righteous no not one as it says in Isaiah/Romans. However the righteousness of Christ will exalt a nation….

1 Peter 2:9

[9] But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

His righteousness exalts his people a new nation of his creation.

There are those who think that our nations can be redeemed, made righteous, and then exalted by God. They can’t be. They are lost and awaiting judgement. Our citizenship as believers is elsewhere we are subject to a different king. His righteousness exalts His people.

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