Jun 30Liked by David Scott

A very insightful, thoughtful, well written and well cited article. Thank you David, Iโ€™ve come to expect no less from you. A deeper layer of this dynamic is how the more intelligent operator uses truths to his advantage, no matter how disingenuous his intentions. The comparison you make is a good and honest one, but I canโ€™t help feeling that comparing John and Nigel is like comparing a special needs child to a Masters student. And as an Englishman to a Scotsman, I despair that our once great and still proud nations are so firmly in the grip of truly evil, globalist interests that entirely control the puppet show of politics and the likes of Farage and Swinney.

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Jun 29Liked by David Scott

That was a wonderful summary. And what a powerful biblical quotation for our times (Mat.24, 4-14). Thank you.

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Jun 29Liked by David Scott

Well said David. Powerful indeed ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

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Jun 29Liked by David Scott

Agree entirely David. I am no fan of NF or Reform but the critics (and others) quoted are surely disingenuous, and guilty of ignorance and libel/slander. The powers that be have limits for free speech and I suspect that Nigel is treading close to the line of what they will allow him to say. The current efforts to smear him are a first salvo, warning him to watch his step. Will we have a 'hollow John' in the rest of the UK after July 4th, and will his name be Keir?

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I suspect NF is just playing his part as the tool to promote the NATO bs. NATO should have been dissolved when the Berlin Wall came down but no, now it has world-wide goals. Surely, this alone is indicative that its agenda is being controlled by other parties we do not know are there.

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How does telling the truth about the Ukraine war "promote NATO BS"?

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It gives them an 'in' to talk about it.

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That means we cannot tell the truth for fear of the other side's powerful lies. I reject that view utterly. You should too.

The truth shall set us free.

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I'll do my own thinking/research thanks. I do like to see what other people think. I don't always agree. Most people don't know about the Holodomor & the movement of Russian natives into the disputed areas at that time. It colours some of what is happening but it definitely isn't the cause of the latest iteration of manufactured conflict.

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I am distrustful of Nigel and who or what is pulling his strings. NATO appears to be the vehicle for the US to further its imperialist agenda whilst destroying its own country and us (and others) with it.

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I agree - we should be very wary of all politicians.

I called for the UK to leave the WHO at a public meeting two weeks ago. The MP present, Neale Hanvey formerly of the SNP and now of Alba, despite being one of only a handful to discuss Covid-19 vaccine injury, point blank refused to consider it. "Anyone advocating this would be called a conspiracy theorist" was his reply. The truth mattered nought. His only interest was in avoiding name calling and criticism.

NATO, with the UN and the NHS, is the secular Trinity of the political mainstream. Personally I would see all three consigned to history. I think anyone who tells the truth about any one of these three institutions should be supported in that endeavour.

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Jun 30ยทedited Jun 30Liked by David Scott

I too agree about being wary of all politicians. I've arrived at the position of questioning the morals and ethics of anyone (independents included) seeking office in a patently illegitimate system. Everyone should trust their own intuition, mine tells me (very strongly) that even being registered to cast a vote is lending too much validation to a wholly evil system and the sooner it's brought down (and rebuilt from the ground up not top down) by we the people, the better. I'm inclined to the suggestion that Farage was manoeuvred into position to reengage a proportion of the electorate whose absence from the ballot boxes may have cast serious doubt on the very legitimacy of the elections. Either way, anyone basing their vote on his rhetoric will be disappointed as all of his followers have been on more than one occasion in the past.

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Jun 30Liked by David Scott

I agree wholeheartedly about the UN. That would include WHO and probably WEF? To dismantle NATO and NHS is desirable but complicated. What would other world powers do if NATO became defunct. Similarly the NHS needs reform, but where to start and how to go about it?

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Jun 30Liked by David Scott

Hollow John: the hollowness is perceptible these days in so many people. Great article David, thanks. The Russians have encircled no-one except perhaps through an ideology hijacked by others.

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