May 11Liked by David Scott

Well said, David. This issue has been increasingly troubling our nation, but the legacy media remains silent. How many would have been able to place Ukraine on a map 5 years ago? Or give an accurate explanation of the reasons for the conflict? And how many still believe, thanks to the BBC that the 'war' in Ukraine is still 'winnable'? Or be able to explain what a 'win' would look like? How many have any idea of what has been happening in Ukraine since the terrible events of 7 October 2023? And how many think that more have died in Gaza than in Ukraine? The scale of mendacity by our government equals the scale of gullibility of our fellow citizens. Awful.

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May 20Liked by David Scott

Thank you David for another deep and challenging article.

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None of the NeoCons are ever held to account for their disasters and war crimes.

They ( particularly through the donor class ) have captured both Republicans and Democrats.

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May 11Liked by David Scott

Its a sad headline, until you realise the friends we're bidding farewell to never existed in the first place. We've all been conned, its just that the con is beyond the pale. What you're saying about what's to come is true. We'll need each other more than ever. Bless you for continuing to write even if the void seems impossible for us.

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May 11Liked by David Scott

Thank you David for a very thoughtful and inspiring article. My hope and faith in Jesus renewed. May God bless you

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And what about all the 'falsehoods' of Israel? What about the murder in 1948 of Count Bernadotte, the UN Peace Negotiator, by Zionist paramilitaries? What about the 1948 Nakba, the murder of up to 15,000 Palestinians (which my father, a RM Commando officer, personally experienced when his men came across a Palestinian father, mother and their three children gunned down in their home by Irgun) which cleared the way to establish the Zionist (not Jewish) state of Israel? And what about the murder of 91 innocents when Zionist terrorists blew up part of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem? David, how can you call yourself a Zionist when this political movement uses nothing but terrorism and massive deception to achieve its aims? And remember the USS Liberty! As with your ridiculous opposition to the 1914 Treasury-issued 'Bradbury Pound', you've got things terribly wrong!

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