Fundraising for the Fornethy Girls
The second Fornethy Conference is arranged for Sunday 11th February in Glasgow, can you help us fund this event?
Hello everyone,
We are running a small fundraising campaign for the Forthethy Girls’ second conference
The link is here:
In this Crowdfunder page we explain the background as follows:
Fornethy Residential School was located in the Angus Glens and was operated by Glasgow Corporation and their successor, Strathclyde Regional Council. For thirty years between 1961 and 1991, little Glaswegian girls aged between 5 and 12 were sent there for periods of around 6-8 weeks. Over the decades more than 20,000 girls went through this institution. What they suffered there changed many of the Fornethy girls and left them with pain and trauma that would be lifelong. The combination of psychological, physical, and sexual abuse was brutal and merciless.
Now the survivors, the Fornethy Girls are coming together to seek answers and to understand what was done to them and why it was allowed to continue uninterrupted for thirty years.
Their campaign for openness, candour, and justice has made huge strides in the year since the first Fornethy Conference, and rather than being ignored they are now being discussed in Parliament. Furthermore, police investigations have led to one perpetrator being charged with multiple counts of cruel and unnatural treatment and huge amounts of information have been located in the archives of Glasgow City Council.
This is a conference to update the survivors on all of the progress and on the ongoing work to reveal why they suffered so much. It will be an afternoon of mutual support, comradeship, and encouragement in the face of lifelong suffering.
The first Fornethy Conference was organised by The Fresh Start Foundation and UK Column and the video of the conference is available here:
We will use the funds to pay for the hall, refreshments, videographer, and video editing. The full video of the conference will be published in the weeks following the event. Any surplus funds will be directed to other events run by or on behalf of The Fornethy Girls.
I hope you can support this effort and make a contribution.
Please also share the link and ask others to contribute.
Many thanks for your time and support
I would like to move the discussion on to the matter at hand: that of the cause of the Fornethy Girls. Ignore, shunned told that their memories and their suffering are of no significance, the Fornethy Girls are turning this around. By working together, by sharing their testimonies, and by arguing their case, they have the authorities on the run. They need support to continue and to do more.
Hello David, do you remember me from UK Column? Did you receive these? PART 2 PART 1
I also spoke on the theme of breaking the family bond at a presentation to broadcast by Epoch TV and with Ahmad Malik.
My wife and I listen to your broadcasts.
That is my Substack. I am a retired Headteacher. I am friendly with Prof. Richard Ennos.