Mar 7Liked by David Scott

Thanks David. I couldn’t watch UKC anymore after 7 October. They were always odd with respect to what they call the JQ but this episode has exposed a lot.

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Feb 22·edited Feb 22

Glad to find you again here David via the delingpod, I had wondered where you had gone from UK column. I kept hoping you would come back on the program to give a bit more balance and I had wondered if your disapearance had something to do with the Israel issue. I have had to stop watching UK column for now until this issue is over as I just find it really hard to listen to things that feel so unbalanced and at times dangerous, much as I appreciate so much of UK columns work in other ways. The Israel/Palestine situation is so complicated and its difficult to know what to believe with the various contradictory reports coming out, but like you said in the interview with James, I do believe over the years there has always been extremists on both sides scuppering lasting peace in one way or another and have been trying to say that to people.

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Glad you found me, please drop me a line on northern_exposure@protonmail.com

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David - I enjoyed your analysis, here and with James Delingpole.

My position on these things is governed by my faith. I take neither side in the Middle East operations. I don't even try to take a balanced view. We are to be set apart, a peculiar people, not of this world, amabassadors for Christ. I simply pray for humanity across the world - even enemies when I have the stomach. Satan's agents are united (if they were not united they would fall as Christ said) and do not give up as you said to JD. They have put many bricks in place very patiently over a long period. The UN was created to serve Lucifer - the world belongs to him - Alice A Bailey, a leading Satanist as you will know, resourced it from 1922 and the Satanic Organisation (Its headquarters sported the beast of daniel and revelation outside its headquarters in NY until recently - donated by Mexico) helped create the State of Israel in 1948. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/smKzMRM51_U/maxresdefault.jpg Israel always was and always will be a people not a land mass. One of Christ's great grandmothers was a Moabite and adopted into the family of Israel - all are welcome to be Israel - again a people not a State. 'If you are in Christ you are Abraham's seed' - Galatians 3:29. There is only one faith, but man created dispensationalism - a Jesuit deception. The conflicts we see are engineered - the recent middle east conflict is pure theatre, conducted by evil agents of Lucifer. It has ever been thus. 'The temple is in us', the physical temple was left 'desolate' as Christ said. The re-building of a temple may or may not happen - but the 70th week of Daniel prophesy is about Christ not the Anti-Christ and Daniel 9 is so badly and deliberately misinterpreted with its suggestion of an Anti-Christ making a peace deal, allowing sacrifices in Jerusalem then sitting on the thrtone in the Temple after 3.5 years and banning sacrifices... In reality, the 70 th week of Daniel 9 of 7 years speaks of Christ. The 7 years were the last years that Judah had before the gospel would go to the gentiles. His ministry 3.5 years (from baptism), Then His sacrifice, 'cut off but not for his own sake' He was the Lamb that meant no more sacrifices were necessary and then Peter's dream about the 'unclean'/gentiles needing the gospel 3.5 years later. I hope this is a blessing to you... at least thought provoking. Greatly admire your work with SRA survivors... something I have done a little bit of too.

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Thanks Harry, I will consider the points you have raised at length

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If what your saying is true why are the British Government allowing Al Jazeera to broadcast on air? Remember they were so quick to pull RT so something stinks 🤔

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This is a very good point. Just like the question why is Putin not allowed to travel due to international arrest warrants but the Hamas leadership is fine with their private jets from Qatari airfields? Why the double standards?

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Simple answer : The west is full of hypocrites

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