Ladies and Gentlemen,
I have been asked to say a few words about the World Health Organisation.
I wish to start with the objective of this body. This is stated in Article 1 of their constitution as follows:
The objective of the World Health Organization shall be the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health.
And who could object to such a noble goal? Ladies and Gentlemen, I must tell you that, if you think that objective is fine, you have been fooled.
You see the WHO, like all communists and Marxists, use your vocabulary, but they do not use your dictionary.
When they speak of attaining “the highest possible level of health”, most people will believe that they are using the word health as it is defined in the dictionary:
For example, the Collins dictionary defines it thus:
Health is a state in which a person is not suffering from any illness and is feeling well.
But the WHO, in the preamble to their constitution redefines the meaning of health.
In the context of that organisation, it does not mean what you think it means. They are lying to you. They are deceiving you.
The preamble states:
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
So it does not mean feeling well, it also means thinking well and being in the social condition the WHO considers right.
And here we have the word “Wellbeing” cropping up again.
The SNP’s creepy Orwellian Child-watching scheme Named Person was built around the concept of well-being for children, but it could not define it.
The UK Supreme Court, in striking down the legislation as unlawful, commented
“Wellbeing” is not defined. The only guidance as to its meaning is provided by section 96(2), which lists eight factors to which regard is to be had when assessing wellbeing. The factors, which are known under the acronym SHANARRI, are that the child or young person is or would be: “safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible, and included”. These factors are not themselves defined, and in some cases are notably vague: for example, that the child or young person is “achieving” and “included”
So how does the WHO define the well-being part of “complete physical, mental and social well-being”?
In December 2021, when we were all locked down by the state, the WHO met in Geneva Switzerland for the 10th Global Conference on Health Promotion. This produced the “Geneva Charter for Well-being”.
The charter defines wellbeing thus:
Well-being is a political choice.
So we can return to the WHO definition of health and clarify it as follows:
“Health means a set of political choices and not the absence of disease or infirmity”.
It gets worse…
In October 2021, again when we were all shut down by our governments, the Working Group on Strengthening WHO Preparedness for and Response to Health Emergencies (WGPR) published a ‘zero draft’ report outlining an assessment of the benefits of a new WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response, for consideration by the World Health Assembly.
This Report, among other things, suggested that such an initiative:
… could include promoting high-level political commitment and whole-of-government whole-of-society approaches, addressing equity, enhancing the One Health approach, and strengthening health systems and their resilience.
A “whole-of-society, whole-of-government approach” means totalitarianism. It is the total state. In Hitler’s Germany, the word they used was Gleichschaltung. This means coordination, synchronisation, or harmonisation, or bringing into line. It was a whole-of-government, whole-of-society approach.
And if you are wondering what a One Health approach means, always be wary when they use the word “One”. Remember “ein volk, ein reich, ein fuhrer”.
One Health is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems. It recognizes that the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and interdependent.
So your health will be balanced against the health of the animals and the plants.
If you want to know what that means in practice, as Klaus Schwab might say, it means “Eat ze bugs!”
And it gets worse still…
The WHO’s International Health Regulations are an instrument of international law and are legally-binding on 196 countries, including the 194 WHO Member States.
So what is the WHO?
· it is an embryonic world government
· It has its own parliament
· It makes internationally legally binding regulations
· It has redefined health to mean a set of political choices
· It is communism
· It is fascism
The whole of this fraudulent lying system has as its emblem a snake or serpent, I would suggest this is no accident.
We stand today in Glasgow. The motto of this city is a prayer. One we have collectively forgotten. It is:
Lord let Glasgow flourish through the preaching of thy word and praising thy name.
There is another way we may choose. We can reject the WHO and the system of the serpent that it represents and return to the truth encapsulated in the word of God.
This shows a quite different outcome
In the book of Isaiah, it is written:
Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness, and princes shall rule in judgment.
And a man shall be as an hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest; as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land. (Isaiah 32,1-2)
And later in that chapter, the prophet describes the position of the people:
And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.
And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places; (Isaiah 32,17-18)
The WHO offers control and oppression and an enforced political decision, all under the lying name of “health”. It offers a future where you must “eat Ze bugs”.
The Lord offers quiet resting places and peace. Because the Lord offers truth
…and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32)
And the truth is that the threat to the world is not climate change, nor pandemics, but the evil in the human heart.
The WHO locked us down, for no valid reason, and forced experimental shots on us, killing many and maiming many more. They employed lies, deception, psychological manipulation, and fear to control us and gain more power for themselves.
They are the manifestation of the evil in the human heart.
They are the problem; not the solution.
Jesus Christ is the solution.
Thank you
What a great and poignant speech you gave, I really loved reading it and will now enjoy watching it.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for having the bravery, courage and also the will of the growing numbers of people behind you to deliver this message to the people of Glasgow. God Bless you David.
“You see the WHO, like all communists and Marxists, use your vocabulary, but they do not use your dictionary.” Was remembering how there was no messaging around what was good for what I define as ‘health’ during lockdowns. That people did not recognise it en masse from a purely pragmatic perspective really woke me up to the vastness of the programming. God bless you David for pulling this all together so succinctly.